About us


– To promote and enhance the continued development of analytical psychology within Hong Kong based upon professional standards.
– To promote the exchange of knowledge with mental health professionals in Hong Kong
– To conduct lectures, workshops and seminars in analytical psychology for those who might benefit.
– To develop training opportunities for potential analytical psychologists and Jungian psychotherapists.
– To establish links in analytical psychology between practitioners and interested persons in Hong Kong and those throughout Asia and the rest of the world.
– To develop a partnership between the Hong Kong Institute of Analytical Psychology (HKIAP) and the International Association of Analytical Psychology for the purposes of maintaining and enhancing the status of the HKIAP as a developing group within the IAAP.

– 根據專業標準,促進和促進分析心理學在香港的持續發展。
– 促進與香港精神衛生專業人士的知識交流
– 為可能受益的人舉辦分析心理學講座、工作坊和研討會。
– 為潛在的分析心理學家和榮格心理治療師提供培訓機會。
– 在香港與亞洲和世界其他地區的從業者和感興趣的人之間建立分析心理學的聯繫。
– 發展香港分析心理學會 (HKIAP) 與國際分析心理學協會之間的伙伴關係,以維持和提升 HKIAP 作為 IAAP 內發展中團體的地位。

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