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Jung on Saturdays Webinar Series 15
2022-05-05 @ 20:30 - 22:00
The seminar will be focused on Michael Fordham’s contributions to the technique and practice of Analytical Psychology.
Dr. Feldman will present his own experience working with Fordham over a 10-year period in London, and the impact that it had upon his own practice of child, adolescent and adult analysis. Fordham often stated that the experience of infant observation was of paramount importance for the development of an analytical attitude towards working with infantile/primitive mental states and early attachment trauma.
He developed the idea of the syntonic countertransference as a fundamental way in which we understand early pre-verbal states of mind. This involves the analyst’s use of their countertransference in the intersubjective matrix of analysis as a means of understanding these early states of mind and affect in the analysand.
Dr. Brian Feldman
Dr. Feldman is certified in child, adolescent and adult Jungian psychoanalysis and graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. He obtained additional training at the Society of Analytical Psychology, London, where he trained in the developmental Jungian tradition with Michael Fordham and Judith Hubback. His experience in London led him to the intensive study of infant observation (Esther Bick Method), and the practice and study of Jungian child and adolescent analysis. For over ten years Dr. Feldman worked with Jungian child/adolescent analyst Mara Sidoli developing programs in infant observation and child, adolescent, and adult analysis in the U.S. and Europe which integrated the Jungian approach with attachment theory and the British school of object relations.
Dr. Feldman is a senior training analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and a member of the Jung Institute of San Francisco. He is currently a visiting professor at the Institute of Psychology, State Academic University for Humanitarian Sciences (Russian Academy of Science) in Moscow, and a distinguished visiting professor at the Macao City University. He has been a visiting scholar in the the Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, the University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Feldman has also served on the teaching faculties of the Northwest Center for Psychoanalysis and the Jung Center of Mexico City. He is a faculty member of the degree program in infant observation in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Dakar, Senegal.
Dr. Feldman’s research on infancy and attachment and its impact on development throughout the life cycle was honored by the Psychoanalytic Consortium of Washington, D.C. in 2013. He has published and lectured extensively in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia.
His published research is in the areas of infant observation; attachment theory; the development of intersubjectivity in infancy and in the analytical relationship, the psychic skin; organizational development; the impact of culture upon psychological/social/ emotional development,; child, adolescent and adult Jungian psychoanalysis – with special interests in the areas of autistic spectrum disorders; identity, gender, and sexuality; eating and attention deficit disorders; and disorders of the skin.
Dr. Feldman is a member of IAAP, APA, ISPSO, NAAP, the National Register of Health Service Psychologists, the Jung Institute of San Francisco, the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, the Frances Tustin Trust, and a training member of the International Association of Infant Observation Esther Bick Method (AIDOBB).
FREE and Exclusive for HKIAP members*
* With valid membership from April 2021 to March 2022
Registration: https://forms.gle/2MfZxAP8t6ySezKu8