Jung on Saturdays Webinar Series 7

This talk will focus on the history, basic principles, and methods of Archetypal Psychology as they have developed over time. The emphasis will be on the importance of multiple perspectives and differentiation. Clinical moments, dreamwork, and interpretive attitudes will be highlighted.  Patricia (Pat) Berry, Ph.D. Pat received her diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C.G....

A Critical Review of the Archetype Theory by Christian Roesler

Schedule 20 Aug 2022 HKT 15:00-20:00  (4-hour lecture with 1-hour break)   Fee Members: HK$500 non-members: HK$600   Registration: https://forms.gle/acLUdKmi97oYmxAs7 #Deadline: 10 Aug 2022 #All fees are non-refundable    Details The lecture consists of two parts: 1st part: Fundamental concepts of the archetype theory 2nd part: Different perspectives and the latest research on the archetype...